
I miss you so much. I learned how to cook many dishes now. I want to cook for you. I always worry you don't have dinner. I am really worry about that. I don't want to see you get thinner and thinner. it's horrible. When you told me about that on Thursday night, I am reli angry. After 30 minutes, I feel better. it's not the real better, it's just stop crying. I told myself that I am strong, don't cry. I found that I am not strong enough as I imagine and you imagine. I am just a weak woman who wants someone loves me. You said I need time. But I am scared the "Time" will let you go away. I don't want to be your best friend. I want to be your love. I blamed myself everyday. But many people tell me love is not right or wrong. Don't blame yourself. How can I stop to blame myself? This year will be the tough year for me and you too, I think. Sometimes, I am negative and think that we are finished. but sometimes, i am positive to think that we are destine to be together in the future again.  it's just the practice for us to test our heart.


Depression. Self-blame. My tears burst out everyday. Suddenly, they come out in the wrong place, wrong moment. I don't need them. I hate them. The reality is cruel. It's fine because I know I never meet you again.


I am too stupid. I can't control my facial expression when I hate someone. It's too naive. But I can't do it well. Some people are very talented about relationship. They will not let their enemies to know they hate them. How can they do that? It's amazing. But at this moment, I really hate you!!! FUcking bitch with your french voice!!!!! Merde!!!!!!!


La fille dit un mensonge, Girl tells a lie, 47" x 70" Acrylic on canvas, Dec 2011, France.


I had a great time in Hamburg with Sebastian Otto. We went to the Looky Look Design Markt to sell our works. 18th Sep 2011 is the big day for me. I sold 3 drawings to the customers. I am reli happy about that. And I had a great conversation with Sebastian. I learned much and understand more about what he did and what I need in the future. Check his website www.sunshineinbag.de


Norwegian Wood 《挪威的森林》

你的十七, 十八, 十九, 二十, 二十一歲.
我的十七, 十八, 十九, 二十, 二十一歲.




I am happy to be a woman but I also want to be a man, maybe just for one day? No, i will not get used to it. It's better to change my sex whenever I want.


Please remember you are not alone. I am always be with you and support you. Be optimistic ~ You will see the sunshine. Don't worry!~


Le Jeu is finished. I feel so relax after this project. But I really love to finish one thing which I love within the limit time. I am surprised that I am so hardworking to finish it and my time management is very good :) Although I can't present my idea well in french, but I hope I can get the experience and do much more better next time.


If I can speak better french , I can shout and discuss with him for whole day. Does he think we are afraid of him, no, he is nothing. Because if I ignore him and let him say that to us, he will think we are scared, but I am so sorry, I am not scared of him, he is too stupid to think about that. I want to say I am strong and I need a revenge. FUCK YOU. I am Chinese. I am not Chinese chicken. I will not tell him that the world is so big, don't be naive and think that he is the one in the world. I will let him to think that in his entire life. He will lose his job and have no money when he is retired. I don't need his help, I can do it well by myself. Pissed off. Merci beaucoup.



- from http://movie.douban.com/review/1174398/

Tell me what is youth?


* Art Bastard *

I am the featured artist on I Love Art Bastard website.
It's a great support and compliment on my work. I am so happy that they show my work to all of you.


Photo by Mei Man
"Le Jeu" is the topic of my work. I have 3 weeks to complete it.
"Le jeu" means the game. I am trying to analyze what is the Game.
If I act my face like him for 3 weeks, please don't be scared of me.


He is important to me and we are trying our best to have better life and better relationship. I can't find any weakness between our relationship because I know we are trying our best. Everyone is selfish. But I can't be too selfish and not care about the other's feeling. I don't want to hurt anyone. It's not happy when I see people getting hurt from anyone. Even he is the one who I care a lot. How come I do something to hurt the one who never hurt me? I have Angel and Devil in my mind. Luckily, the Angel is always powerful than the devil. Sometimes, I am confused. But the other day, Angel will tell me what is the right thing I should do. And I feel relief after I listen to the Angel. It's so good someone scold on you. Everyone need a scold by someone. It's time to wake up and think clearly what you want in your life. I don't care how long we are together in this relationship, but at this moment, it's the good time, and I believe what I feel at this moment.


My E-card online :)


Thanks for Sebastian always offer me chances for the projects. It's so great and happy to meet you~ xxx

The death of the roses.

The roses mean nothing, please don't say that again about the meaning of the colors or the numbers of the roses. At the end, you'll get nothing.


Stranger's Country

When I listened to this music in the first time, I cried little bit. I miss home suddenly and I feel awkward in this country. The following is the passage that I wrote when I listened to this music which played by my professor.

07 Oct 2010 11:00am ( Stranger's country )
I really want to go home sometimes, I want to work in my own country and be with my family. It's so hard to stay in a foreign county. They are the strangers to me, but I am the only stranger for them. Language is a problem, but sometimes, I tried to be with them, but I know I didn't try my best to be with them. But most of time, when I want to talk, I feel verbless and language always is the barrier to me. They are not interested in me, they have no question to ask . It's so different when I be with Aimee few years before. I don't care English people are fake or anything, they will try to let me join the conversation. But there are something different because I was in Hong Kong, and now, I am in a stranger's country.

philip glass: glassworks


I will leave HK tomorrow but I don't want to. Indeed, I miss Hong Kong and my family. But there are something which made me want to escape from that. How sad and moody today! I really want to run away from everything. When I look at my family, I know that I can't. I can't escape from them. It's the destiny. I need them and they need me. I know I need to do my best to make them happy because they are my family. I hope they will be happy forever and ever.


It's time to leave Hong Kong. I can't describe the happiness after I met my friends. Although we work in the different area, but it's happy to talk about anything.

And I am working the T-shirt program with QOD www.qod.com.hk , and I hope I can see my T-shirt soon. I know it's difficult for most of the HK customers to love my stuff, but I am positive for that. I don't care about what they think, it's better to do what I want in this stage. :)
Please give me some support when everything done with QOD.

Here is my profile for QOD website. I will post the official link here after published.


I made some pencil bags to sell on etsy.com when I back to France. I really love the shape and the cutting of the bag because it's very nice and usable. I hope you all will like them and help me to buy one later :)

And I really want to bring my own sewing machine to France, but it's soooooooo heavy, it costs so much if I mail it to France. And I know it's not expensive if I buy one in France, but I don't want to waste my money. Oh... if I can find some place where I can rent a sewing machine, it will be sooooo great for me :) Let me go to post office tomorrow and ask for the shipping cost of the sewing machine. Pray for me for the lower shipping cost please. :P

Here is the instruction that I drew for my pencil bag. Remember to check my website later and buy my items :)

Oh~~ And this is the AMOS - Showtime cover. You can buy it online now!!!
ONLY 1 in stock!!! :)


I don't want to see those foul language about them anymore.It called " Shaking head in the snowball. " When you are shaking your head and sighing, the snows are coming from the sky.


I found so many artists who are very talented. If I find more talented artists, I have lower confident for myself. Because I think they are too talented and they drew so well!~ I have no confidence in my work and my ideas. Today, I tried to paint, but I can tell you that I am the people who have no color sense!!!!! What the... Because I am totally disappointed about my painting. sigh... Anyway, I think I should be concentrate to the black & white drawings. Because I can find little bit confidence in my drawings. But I can tell you people love paintings more than drawings all the time. Because the technique is more complicated and difficult. I don't know, it's only my thought. Maybe I should attend the painting lesson in my drawing life.

Here is the drawing that I drew recently and I am satisfied about that.
It called " Because the world is round, it turns me on." That is the from the lyrics of Beatles's song. Woman's face is in the middle of the world. Sometimes, we need to be more confident and we should think that we can be the middle point of the world. This is the good drawing to cheer up and make myself to be more confident. I hope you have the same feeling sometimes and to be more confident what you want to do and what you want to be.


Only less than 1 month then I will back to France. I will go to Le Mans and I like that city. But I can sure Nantes is better than Le Mans because the atmosphere of art is better. There are so many exhibitions in the city and it's very easy to find one gallery and enter. Also, there are so many activities for the artist. But I can't stay there because I can't study in the fine art school of Nantes. But I am not disappointed about that because the school is not suitable for me. wow...I heard so many rumors about the school and the professors. It's quite horrible ><. So I will stay in the school of Le Mans where so many Chinese students there. I know there may have some problems if there are so many Chinese because I don't have much more chance to practice my French. haha...Anyway, I am so excited to study in the new school and become a student again! :)
This is my new artwork. It called " We are the fishes in the rice bowl." "飯碗裡的魚 (秋)"It's just like an adventure in life. The rice bowl as a boat and the hair is just like the river. We don't know where will the rice bowl going in the river. It's like we don't know our future. But I can sure we can control the direction of the rice bowl and let it flow. The girl doesn't know how to swim just like me, then she wears the life vest for safety but she is not scared and worried about the journey. She found the direction for the rice bowl and let it flow. :)


終於約到大忙人囉!雖然今晚有D唔識嘅人,但係見到B仔真係好開心。每次都會諗起好多嘢,佢喺我唔開心嘅時候安慰咗我好多,陪咗我好多,最開心係佢會同豪B接我放工。以前放工之後都九點十點,無得行街見朋友,但佢地會喺門口等我一齊去食飯。而佢都接過我唔少我喊住打比佢嘅電話,除咗男朋友之外,我只有對佢咁樣做過。講番轉頭,佢都介紹咗好多人比我識,佢知我太埋自己,好多時都會叫我出去食飯呀, 玩呀,所以識到佢真係好開心㗎。仲有Jazz Bar嘅事,每次都會會心微笑。呢套戲佢介紹我睇,然後愛上埋 soundtrack.



其實有時候會想想我將就讀的藝術學校是否適合我的,因為自己可能比較適合在好像Mary-loup讀的專門畫illustration的學校。但是我說的都是未知之數,有可能在現在這間學校比較多元化。我亦可以繼續用我的「冷」去做東西,嘩,,,如果我可以好像Niki de Saint Phalle去做一些很大規模的作品便好了,而且我要跟她學習一下她的顏色配搭,我自己本身對於顏色是完全不敏感,而且我比較喜歡黑白色,久而久之我對顏色配搭會有些不知所措。不過,我將會正面面對它,嘗試給自己多一點顏色。

I am currently drawing my own stuff and I am in the good drawing mood. But I am thinking about how to paint my drawing. At the end, I used my original method to paint them. " Computer". After I tried to use computer, I found that is quite good and I decided to use this method to finish this collection.

Sometimes, I am thinking this art school suitable for me or not. Maybe I am suitable for the art school which Mary-loup studied in illustration. But that is the unknown thing, maybe this school is more diversified. And I can use the knitting wool for my next art piece.
Um...It wil be so good if I can be Niki de Saint Phalle. Because I can do the bigger stuff in the public area. And I need to learn the color match from her. My color match is not good, and I like black and white more, so I am not sensitive to colors. But I will face my weakness and I will give myself more colors.




<上海寶貝>這本書還有一個章節便看完,還在找他的電影。但是找白靈當女主角,我便不太喜歡了,因為書裡的她很自大而有個性,但白靈的樣子和做型令我有點失望,而且Mark一點都不性感,不過我還是想找來看看。故事並不是很特別,但是在1999 年發行一定令人很驚訝,因為在國內算是很前衛的內容,而且我和主角一樣是同年,想像一下我有她的生活會怎樣。我並不喜歡故事裡男主角的名字<天天>,土到不得了,女主角叫倪可是可以,但天天真是受不了。但如果女主角是我,我都會愛上男主角,因為我都是喜歡比較靜的男人,喜歡不是太有陽光氣色有點憂鬱的男人。但看外國人,我跟她的想法差不多,情欲方面他們一定可以滿足到你,但不要陷入他的情感裡,因為大多數時間受傷的都會是你,一定要小心分清楚,但女主角都不能自拔,不能幸免。很多時候,別人建議你不要喜歡上他,但是沒有人可以阻止,因為連自己都控制不了。不過,嘗試過後,再不要讓自己再有機會陷入這些感情問題吧。

p.s. Her nipples just like a rubber. lol


今日心情很差,還是擺脫不了之前的一些想法。暫時不想再聽任何別人的問題,負能量實在到頂點了。是自私的,沒有任何一個人不自私呀,你總有時候不想聽別人的問題,正常。又是完全沒能量去做自己的作品,愈看別人的作品,愈覺得沒信心,愈覺得自己的是不外如是,由其看到Sebastian他那麼多展覽,又看到其他畫家(Mary Loup都是)不停有新作品,又羨慕又妒忌,我當然知道他不是一朝一夕可以做到啦,但又看到自己那麼懶惰, 一來是懶惰,一來是沒心機,而且一點好的想法都沒有,如果我的靈魂可以走出來狠狠地打自己的臉,這樣使自己清醒一點便好了。上一次AMOSProject激發我再拿起筆後,只是維持了兩日,兩日呀,有無搞X錯呀。我怎樣可以回復好像以前一樣喜歡拿著畫簿到處畫呢?究竟我是否已經不喜歡畫畫,還是用盡畫畫的能力呢?快點回來,請快點回來。

其實今次回來很想媽咪去很多地方,但自己又無錢,而且大部份時間爸爸一定要跟來,我不是不想和他一起,但他在的話我們不可以任意說話,一定要看他面色,一點都不自在,因為由細到大都是這樣, 我便學懂了看人面色。懂得看人面色不是壞事,但有時候自己是非常辛苦,由細到大要看爸爸面色,長大了,跟姐姐交談又要看她面色,其實我很少在她面前發脾氣,因為我發脾氣的話,便會是鬧交場,所以我忍。因為她以前很少和我分享她內心的事,所以每次她跟我交談我都會小心翼翼和有耐性。可能因為我懂得看她面色,知道她希望聽到什麼她便可以得到安慰,但當然我跟她說的都是內心真心話啦。


I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here


今晚有聚會,但有點不想赴約的感覺,出門前被媽咪問了一句,使我更不想出門,其實幾個都是他的朋友,我沒心情和他們寒喧,反正都是無關痛癢的討論。她其實問過我這相同的問題已經很多次了,"你夠錢用嗎?“ "夠了,媽,不要再問了,我自己會解決的。“ 是因為我在法國回來前,沒有拿些錢回港用,我以為他會有足夠資金可以給我,原來是沒有的,我唯有問我媽借了一千元。我是不想借的,不想她知道我一點錢也沒有。而她便常問我夠不夠錢用,我知她是關心我,但她這樣我會覺得自己很可悲,很無用,二十五歲人還沒有積蓄,不能夠供養她,反而要開口跟她拿錢。

錢永遠是這個家的問題,不是窮得沒飯開,而是家人有錢但不會拿出來用,只是留在銀行儲利息。以前最怕開學前開口要錢買書買校服,永遠要被他罵, 要看臉色,父母又吵架,好像我不應該開學一樣。大了,我已經不在乎這些,亦不在他的吝嗇。但這時男朋友和我又說要到法國讀書,男朋友有他爸可以幫他,而我是沒人可以助我一之力,唯有相隔兩地一年,而我要努力儲錢,但數字永遠一樣,只有幾萬。所以我讀的錢大部份是他給我的。我很怕要我開口說要錢時我要看他的臉色,雖然他沒有什麼臉色給我看過,但我是很不想用他的,我有想過我自己努力工作,自己儲錢去做我喜歡的,但他說他當我是一家人,沒關係的,而我就這樣接受了。他說只是我常常跟他計較,不當他是一家人,但要知道開口問別人要錢是大壓力的,因為情況是我本身是有能力去賺錢回來的,所以會更加覺得自己無用,覺得更需要和他去計較,我不想有朝一日我們之間有什麼事發生他要我還給他什麼。我不知道是不是自己太敏感,每次聽到他說少許關於錢的問題,我便會覺得他是在說我,就因為這樣,我們在香港已經吵過幾次,比起在法國吵得還要多。到現在我還有這樣的問題未解決,而我仍不知怎去解決。


"look at the world and i notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning"




因為自己很關心他們,所以他們有問題的時候便會當作是自己的煩惱一樣,一樣很大壓力, 但是我除了聆聽之外,什麼都做不到。我知道做聆聽的角色都很重要,在適當的時候作出反應,但是如果當我自己心情也不好時,真的是很難作出反應,又有誰了解呢?我較少和家人, 朋友談論我自己內心深入的問題,因為我覺得自己會解決,而且事情又不是十萬火急,總有一天時間過了便會解決,我亦不用聽取無謂意見,況且待我說完我的問題,他便會緊接說他的問題。

其實當我遇到問題,我只會對著情人發牢騷,家人, 朋友很少會見到我不知所措的樣子,幸好,他完全可以幫助我解決問題,有時還會覺得他是避難所。




"I can't understand how life goes on like the way it does."


Support 十扑 Sap Pok
C'est bien que j'ai un ami qui est travailleur, parce-qu'il m'encouragera faire plus travailler.
It's so good to have a friend who are hardworking, because he will encourage you to do more.


On joue le poker toujours. - We always play poker.
Le poker du Francais est 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,V,D,R,1,2.
Mais on joue le poker est 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A,2.
jaja...on joue toujours.


Rien - Nothing Je n'ai pas dessiner pour long temps, quand je prends le crayon, il n'y a rien dans ma tete. C'est triste. Vais-je pas dessiner plus? Je ne sais pas. Mais je vois beaucoup les livres. Je dois savoir plus l'histoire de l'art. C'est tres important for moi ecrire quelque chose de l'art. Mais c'est triste quand je sais que ma tete est rien maintenant. Qui me peut aider? Rien encore. Je me peux aider seulement.

Quand mon slogan est les blés, je suis la terre.
Quand mon slogan est en
colère, je suis la tempête.
Quand mon slogan est les pierres, je suis la rivière.
Quand le miel a été produit par mon slogan, les papillons colleront à mes lèvres.
---Mahmoud Darwish

I didn't draw for a long time, when I pick up the pencil, it's nothing in my head. It's sad. Will I not draw anymore? I don't know. But I read so many books. I must know more about the history of art. It's very important for me to write something of art. But it's so sad when I know that my head has nothing now. Who can help me? Nobody. I can help myself only.

當我的話語是麥粒, 我是土地.
當我的話語是憤怒, 我是暴風.
當我的話語是岩石, 我是河流.
當我的話語釀成蜜, 蠅蝶覆滿我的唇.


Merci Beaucoup mon mieux amie - Esther Thanks so much my best friend - Esther
C'est très difficile trouver les livres en Anglais. Mais mon mieux aime Esther m'ai envoyé quelques livres. Je les aime bien. Parce-que je suis très ennuyeuse. C'est pas grave que les livres en Anglais ou Chinois. :)

It's so difficult to find some books in English. But my best friend Esther sent me some books. I love them so much. Because I am so bored. It's no matter that the books in English or Chinese. :)


Espoir - Hope
C'est pas possible écrire en Français. kaka....

希望是某種咬在牙齒上, 放在嘴巴裡的東西. 別忘了這點. 做個看清現實的人. 嘴裡掛著希望可以帶來力量, 讓你在疲憊不堪的時候繼續走下去; 可以帶來力量, 當你必須選擇不在錯誤的時刻大叫; 最重要的是, 可以帶來力量, 讓你不致嚎啕大哭. 嘴裡掛著希望的人, 是受人尊敬的兄弟姊妹. - Hold Everything Dear Dispatches on survival and resistance by John Berger


Découvre la bien musique - Discover the good music
C'est ma premier fois aller à le concert. Il s'appelle O-Rudo. Je l'aime bien. Vous pouvez download pour gratuité.

It's my 1st time to go to the concert. It called )-Rudo. I like it so much. You can download for free.


Bonne fête des mamans Happy Mother's day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnqeE15mYR8

C'est le trés bien chanson pour tous les mamans.
Surtout ma mère et ma soeur, je vous aime toujours.

This is the great song for all the mothers.
Speically for my mom and my sister, I love you always.

百厭仔唔肯o也飯 陳健義曲 陳健義詞
任佢點o藝點餵 呢個細路仔都係唔o也飯
叫佢o也麵包啦 佢都耍手唔破例
任佢點威點教 呢個細路仔都係唔o也飯
叫佢o也o舊蝦o者 佢就聲聲嫌殼硬
任佢點嚕囌點o侵 呢個細路仔 唉 真係前世 唉 真係前世 唉 真係前世


La premier fois toucher le cheval - The 1st time touch the horse

Après je suis marché 2 heure, c'est la premier fois toucher le cheval. Il y a pas beaucoup la nature de Hong Kong comme la-bas. Je ne sais pas que j'aime bien la nature, mais je suis sur que il y a la très jolie nature à Nantes. J'aime bien la rivière. oh la la... Je ne suis pas marché comme hier parce-que je n'aime pas le sport. Je suis restè chez moi toujours. J'irai la nature encore avec yin!!!

After I walked 2 hours, it's the 1st time I touch the horse. ( sounds like stupid ) It's not many nature places in Hong Kong like there. I don't know that I love the nature or not, but i can sure that there are very very beautiful places in Nantes. I love the river. wow... I didn't walk like yesterday because I don't like sports and I always stay at home. But I will go to there again with yin!!!! For sure!!!


Oh~Je ne suis pas travailleur hyperactive. - I am not hyperactive worker.

Je suis trop paresseuse pour l'examen du Français demain. Mon dieuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I am so freaking lazy for the exam tmr. Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy goddddddddddd.


Oublier - Forget

La photo de

Je commencerai aller à l'école demain. Mais j'oublie que j'aurai l'examen la semaine prochaine. Je dois preparer mon examen et mon Francais.= = C'est trop difficile et dur pour moi.

I will start to go to school tmr. But I forget that i will have the exam next week. I must prepare my exam and my french. = = It's too difficult and harsh for me.


Je suis ennuyeuse toujours. - I am so boring.

La photo de flickr.com

Je pense que je vais faire quelque chose comme ça.
ça c'est m'inspiration.
J'ai mauvais humeur maintenant. Je n'ai pas humeur faire tout les choses.

I think that I will do something like that.
That is my inspiration.
I have bad mood now. I don't have mood to do anything.


Ma Famille me manque. - I miss my family.

L'arbe de ma famile. La photo de flickr.com

Il fait très bien vivre avec ma famille, surtout quand nous habitons avec maman.

It's is very good to live with family, specially when we live with mom.


Arrête!!Arrête!! - Stop!!! Stop!!!

La Photo de flickr.com

Attention!! Il est temps de penser à notre vie.Ce n'est pas comme quand nous sommes jeunes et nous avons seulement besoin de réfléchir sur le permier amour et le sexe.

Attention! It's the time to think about our live seriously. It's not like when we were young and we only need to think about the puppy love and sex.


Je commencais vraiment a m'inquieter! - I am worried!

Chez Justin et Louise le 10 Avril

Parce-que la présentation dans l'école des beaux arts de Nantes le 15 Juin. J'ai besoin étudier dans cette école. Je ne veux pas vivre sans Yin. Je veux vivre avec lui toujours. Mais quand j'ai eu la présentation dans l'école des beaux arts du Mans, les professors me ont dit que mes travaux sont le design pas l'art. Je me suis inquiete. Mais j'essayerais mon mieux pour la bien présentation en Juin.

Becasue the interview of the art school of Nantes on 15 June. I really want to study in that school. I don't want to live without Yin. I want to live with him always. But when I had the interview of the art school of Le Mans, those professors told me that my works are not art, it's design. I am worried about that. But i will try my best for doing the good interview in June.


C'est très bien vivre en France. - It's very good to live in France.

La berge proche chez nous le 5 Avril 2010

Le dessin de l'artist

Parce-que les beaux environnements seulement.
Becasue the beautiful environment only.