
I found so many artists who are very talented. If I find more talented artists, I have lower confident for myself. Because I think they are too talented and they drew so well!~ I have no confidence in my work and my ideas. Today, I tried to paint, but I can tell you that I am the people who have no color sense!!!!! What the... Because I am totally disappointed about my painting. sigh... Anyway, I think I should be concentrate to the black & white drawings. Because I can find little bit confidence in my drawings. But I can tell you people love paintings more than drawings all the time. Because the technique is more complicated and difficult. I don't know, it's only my thought. Maybe I should attend the painting lesson in my drawing life.

Here is the drawing that I drew recently and I am satisfied about that.
It called " Because the world is round, it turns me on." That is the from the lyrics of Beatles's song. Woman's face is in the middle of the world. Sometimes, we need to be more confident and we should think that we can be the middle point of the world. This is the good drawing to cheer up and make myself to be more confident. I hope you have the same feeling sometimes and to be more confident what you want to do and what you want to be.

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